
Corporate Fascism

Added a goodly number of words to the new novel today. This is going to be a very weird, messy one. No main characters, sliding around from place to place, jumping heads, super long and windy sentences; breaking basically every writing rule. It’s more of a stitch-up novel, kind of like Muriel, but nothing like Muriel.

Ultimately it’s about the psychological horror of the corporate social/business model, demonstrated though a reductio-ad-absurdum to an entire human-colonised planet that is one gigantic corporation from top to bottom.

What I don’t understand is how nobody seems to get that a corporation is literally a fascist dictatorship. I forget whether it was chicken or egg, but either the Italian fascists based their model on the corporation, or the corporation based their model on Italian fascism. The hierarchy, the unchallenged dictator, the uniform, the boot-licking toadies scrabbling over the scraps the C-suite leaves behind.

It’s absurd and disgusting. I seriously doubt that this novel is going to change anybody’s mind, but it’s time somebody wrote everyone’s favourite business model as the fucking horror show that it actually is.
