
Phoning It In

I am super not in the mood for this right now, but I promised myself I would write something (anything) to this blog every day, and I have indeed done that. I haven’t been updating it because neocities doesn’t work like wordpress and it takes actual effort (albeit a small amount) to get shit up onto the page. I haven’t sat at the computer that I do that on, so this (probably tomorrow’s post, actually) will be one of 5 or 6 that will appear all of a moment.

Getting High

Got high on carbs again today. Fucking annoying, but not at all surprising. Bulkbarn is literally a carbohydrate emporium, becuase dried carbs last literally forever in whatever form they happen to take. From granulated sugar to cookies to quinoia, to noodles, to [insert carborific substance here]. It’s fucking impossible [I went for quinoia and left with an additional bag of caramel peanut chocolate shit things]. I’m literally just going to have to man up and white knuckle it for a week and then never ever eat a slice of bread ever again. It’s always the bread that fucks me up.
